
Text Analyzer

Text Analyzer is a web content text analysis tool that provides useful statistics about your content like find most frequent phrases and words, number of words, social network of words. Analyze your text files to identify sentiment, brands, topics and trends.

Skills and deliverables

Text Statistics, Writing, Copywriting, Sentiment Analysis, Network Analysis, SEO


Amidst the vast volumes of text data that businesses handle daily, lies a potential goldmine in the form of unstructured text documents. Whether you work as a writer, editor, or translator, there are moments when analyzing your own writing becomes essential. Acquiring summary statistics about your text can aid in comprehending its complexity and readability, providing valuable insights into your writing endeavors.


Utilizing text analysis techniques, businesses can dissect this data into sentences, phrases, keywords, and sentiments, unearthing valuable insights. This approach involves analyzing, interpreting, and identifying repeated words and phrases within a paragraph, leading to the discovery of meaningful patterns across diverse text sources. Additionally, the text analysis tool acts as a word counter, aiding users in enhancing their writing style and optimizing content for SEO. It helps identify keyword usage and avoids repetition that may hinder page ranking, ensuring a more impactful online presence.



The primary purpose of the text analyzer tool is to identify repeated words and phrases within a paragraph. This user-friendly tool is ideal for writers, including journalists, authors, editors, and translator, among others. By utilizing this tool, they can easily calculate the number of words in their writing and avoid unnecessary word repetition, resulting in more polished and effective communication.

Moreover, the text analyzer proves valuable for SEO purposes. Website owners can optimize their content by using the tool to identify keyword stuffing, analyze frequently used keywords, and determine which keyword repetitions may negatively impact page ranking. In doing so, they can enhance their content’s visibility and search engine rankings, ensuring a more impactful online presence.


  • Text Network Visualization: Visualize the relationships, connections and interactions between entities represented in the text, such as people, organizations, concepts, or keywords. Text network analysis can shed light on keyword relationships and co-occurrence patterns within content. Marketers and SEO professionals can use this information to identify semantically related keywords and optimize website content accordingly. By incorporating relevant keywords in a natural and cohesive manner, businesses can improve their search engine visibility and better cater to user search intent.
  • Word Cloud: Which are the most frequently used words?. The Word Cloud serves as an impactful data visualization tool, presenting a collection of words and symbols in varying sizes and colors. Words that appear larger and bolder are those frequently mentioned in the given text, making them more relevant. This format proves valuable in swiftly identifying prominent ideas, making it an effective way to generate a summary.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Enable the detection and classification of sentiment or emotion in textual content. They can determine whether a given piece of text expresses positive, negative, or neutral sentiment, helping to gauge customer opinions, brand perception, and overall sentiment trends.