Hello, I am Shiela

I am here for your business

Through comprehensive data analysis, I identify key issues and offer customized solutions that optimize marketing endeavors and overcome clients’ toughest challenges, and pave the way for remarkable success.

Contact me

About me

Unraveling insights and trends to help businesses optimize their online presence, ROI, reduce the cost and driving impactful marketing decisions that lead to tangible financial gains.


As a data analyst specialized in digital marketing, I have a passion for uncovering hidden patterns and insights within complex datasets. Transform raw information into actionable strategies that drive successful marketing business.

Working Area

Creative Services

By utilizing these services, businesses can enhance their marketing efforts, better understand their customers, and drive sustainable growth.


Data Analytics

Harness advanced analytics to empower your business, utilizing key metrics, trends, and user behavior insights for success.


Sentiment Analysis

Drive marketing excellence with customer feedback analysis. Extract insights from textual data, uncovering emotions and perceptions.


Video Marketing

Produce compelling videos that convey brand messages, engage audiences, and achieve marketing goals effectively.


Custom Dashboard

Customize the dashboard report with metrics, KPIs, and platform-specific data to align with business goals and stakeholder interests.


Digital Marketing

Craft and execute social media marketing strategies across multiple platforms, delivering engaging and high-quality content.


Customer Segmentation

Categorizing customers based on shared characteristics to create focused marketing strategies and drive ROI.



Optimize your digital presence with SEO techniques that maximize visibility, attract organic traffic, and boost online performance.

My Portfolio

Check Some of My Recent Work

Text Statistics, Writing, Copywriting, Sentiment Analysis, Network Analysis, SEO

Text Analyzer

See details
Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, PCA, Clustering, K-Means

Statistical Data Analyzer

See details
Textual Analysis, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Customer Service, Emotion Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

See details
Data Science, Revenue Forecast, Price Prediction, Customer Segmentation

Product Dashboard

See details
E-commerce, Customer Segmentation, Product Recommendation, Marketing

Market Analysis

See details
Healthcare, KPIs, Excel Macros VBA, Pivot Table, Dashboard

Emergency Room(ER) Status Dashboard

See details
Healthcare, KPIs, Excel Macros VBA, Pivot Table, Slicer

Emergency Room(ER) Dashboard Reports

See details
Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistics, Regression, Pivot Table, Chart

Data Explorer

See details
Call Center, KPIs, Microsoft Excel, VBA, Macros, Pivot Table

Call Center Dashboard

See details
Segmentation, Marketing, Attrition/Churn, Anomaly Detection, Social Network

Business Science Use Cases

See details
My Resume

My Expertise

With expertise lies at the intersection of data science analytics, algorithms, and marketing strategies. I am passionate about using data-driven insights to optimize marketing campaigns, improve customer experiences, and drive business growth in the digital realm By harnessing the power of data science techniques such as customer segmentation, sentiment analysis, and predictive modeling, I help businesses understand consumer behavior, tailor their messages, and make data-informed decisions.

December 2017

Toxic Comment Classification

Identify and classify toxic online comments. ๐Ÿ”—

March 2018

Fraud Detection

Detect fraudulent click traffic for mobile app ads. ๐Ÿ”—

June 2018

Santander Value Prediction

Predict the value of transactions for potential customers. ๐Ÿ”—

November 2018

Elo Merchant Category Recommendation

Help understand customer loyalty. ๐Ÿ”—

November 2018

Quora Insincere Questions Classification

Detect toxic content to improve online conversations. ๐Ÿ”—

April 2023 - May 2023

Lumina Homes (Freelance).

Created visually captivating and informative animated video advertisements that mesmerize clients, showcasing exquisite real estate properties, captivating potential buyers, and drive conversion rates, ensuring a compelling and optimized return on investment(ROI).

Nov 2022 - Dec 2022

Rkitchen Food Corp (Freelance).

Creating engaging and persuasive video content that effortlessly promotes the delicious gourmet brand. With a keen focus on captivating the target audience, I skillfully drive desired actions such as boosting sales and amplifying brand awareness, ensuring remarkable results and a captivating digital presence.

Mar 2022 - Aug 2022

Taif Children Hospital (Freelance).

Collaborating as a freelance data analyst with Taif Children’s Hospital Emergency Department. Together, we embarked on a transformative journey to develop an advanced Emergency Room (ER) Status Dashboard utilizing MS Excel VBA. This collaborative effort enabled me to apply my programming and data analysis expertise, resulting in a powerful tool that streamlined emergency department management and empowered data-driven decision-making processes within the hospital. Through this innovative solution, we successfully optimized operations and enhanced patient care, ensuring efficient resource allocation and improved healthcare outcomes.

Aug 2017 - Jan 2022


Our team goal is to develop an intelligent robots that harnessed the full power of AI, propelling the Philippines toward a future teeming with innovation and advancement. I successfully facilitated the transition of cutting-edge algorithms and computer vision research into tangible, real-life applications, bringing us one step closer to our visionary integration with robots.

Jul 2015 - Jul 2016

PCCW Teleservices (Business Intelligence)

I led the development of compelling interactive visualization reports and dynamic dashboards. These game-changing tools unveiled invaluable insights into call trends, patterns, and essential KPIs, empowering informed decision-making and driving significant business outcomes.

Jul 2012 - Mar 2014

Del Monte Plantation (Engineering Maintenance)

Monitored and analyzed data derived from the machine’s performance and current operational condition. and generate accurate predictions regarding potential equipment failures in the future. By proactively assessing data, I facilitated efficient maintenance practices, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of the machinery.

My Skills

Why hire me for your next project?

With specialized expertise in data science and marketing, hiring me for your next project ensures the extraction of actionable insights, optimization of strategies, accelerated growth through advanced analytics, business data model, and deliver exceptional results for your business..

Data Analytics
Predictive Modeling
Dashboard & Reports
Textual Analysis
Data Science
Database Management
Digital Marketing
Animation & Motion Graphics

What People Say About Me?

I recently came across exceptional animated video ads in a real estate marketing campaign on social media. The attention to detail and seamless animations brought the properties to life. These ads were optimized for social media, with concise durations and visually appealing formats. They were easily shareable, capturing viewers’ attention and generating organic buzz. Truly remarkable content!

Lumina Homes | May 5, 2023

The promotional video for the product Gourmet is an absolute winner. Its attention-grabbing visuals, create a truly unforgettable viewing experience. It successfully conveys the unique qualities of Gourmetย and leaves viewers craving for more. I have no doubt that this video will have a significant impact on the product’s successs.

RKitchen Foods Corp | Dec 30, 2022

I am truly impressed by the dashboard templates ability to generate insightful reports and charts. Through the automation, we can effortlessly extract and analyze data, ensuring that we present the right information to the right stakeholders at the right time. The interactive charts and graphs provide a clear overview of essential metrics such as patient flow, bed occupancy, wait times, and more. As a result, we can allocate resources efficiently and greatly enhance our operational efficiency. It’s a game-changer for our organization.

Taif City Children's Hospital | Sep 9, 2022

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Recent Article

I cover a wide range of topics in data science and how can be used by digital marketers to plan their digital marketing strategy in order to increase sales and profits.